Enter the Time Temple
A downloadable game for Windows
A puzzle game based on a grid where you try to have an audiene with the Aztec Time God, in order to save the world from a huge cataclism.
- The goal is to reach the endpoint of the level (a stone arch in the corner of the map)
- Click on an adjacent tile to move there.
- Each movement takes an hour and makes the character grow old until he dies.
-Doors open and close at certain hours of the day
- The green orbs, when clicked on while being adjacent to them, rewind the world's time 4 hours back, and leaves a waypoint to which the player can teleport pressing "1". When you teleport back, the 4 hours you rewinded are returned.
- The Rainbow orbs are the same but going forward in time instead of backwards.
-The bridges can be raised by interacting (clicking) on the wheels of the map when you are adjacent to them.
- The Pressure plates turn off the flamethrower for 4 hours.
- The bridges and flamethrowers react to changes in time.
- Carlos Ponce de León de Medrano: https://www.linkedin.com/in/carlos-ponce-de-le%C3%B3n-de-medrano-128527336?utm_s...
- Diógenes Villalobos Hernández: https://www.linkedin.com/in/diogenesvillalobos/
- Mauricio Doval: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mauricio-pepe-doval-8445b7bb/?utm_source=share&utm_c...
- Roberto Rendón Gallardo: https://www.linkedin.com/in/robertorendongallardo/
- Rubén Lara Martinez: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rub%C3%A9n-lara-mart%C3%ADnez-6b9411233?utm_source=s...
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